1st Annual Pope Shenouda III Memorial Conference

Thrice-Blessed Pope Shenouda III Father, Teacher & Shepherd “Led us by example to the knowledge of Our Savior” 1st Annual Pope Shenouda III Memorial Conference March 17, 2017 – March 19, 2017 4:00 am – 1:00 pm We invite you to join us in honoring the thrice-blessed memory of our beloved Thrice-Blessed Pope Shenouda III, and remembering...

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Upcoming SCOOCH Events: Faith, Culture, and Identity in the Oriental Orthodox Communion

For Immediate Release – For many of the Churches in the Oriental Orthodox Communion – specifically for the Coptic, Ethiopian, and Eritrean – September 11 marks the start of the ecclesiastical new year, and this year, the Standing Conference of Oriental Orthodox Churches (SCOOCH) and its subsidiary organizations the Standing...

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