Event details
- Friday | August 28, 2015 to Sunday | August 30, 2015
- All Day
- 3000 Twin Pine Rd. Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Poconos JR High Girls Retreat: Aug 28th – Aug 30th
The 29th Junior Youth Spiritual Retreat that will be held on Friday-Sunday of August 28-30th,2015 for Girls AND Sunday-Tuesday August 30th-Sep 1st for Boys at the “Twin Pines Conference and Retreat Center”
3000 Twin Pine Rd. Stroudsburg, PA 18360
* The retreat is for the Junior High School Youth who will start 6th, 7th, or 8th grade in September 2015
* All applications, youth’s and servant’s, have to be signed by the reverend Father of the Church.
* Please, assign one responsible servant from your church to gather all the Registration Forms, children’s & servants’, with the payments (preferably one church check) and send it all together at one time to the church’s address above, attention “Junior Youth Spiritual Retreat coordinator “. This year the church will not accept any individual Registration Form sent separate from the group.
- Please ask the Assigned Responsible Servant to contact Fady Ghattas 718-629-7392 Or Wassim assad 718-559-2660
- Or send an email to jysrservants@gmail.com if he/she has any question
- The fee for the retreat is for two nights and five meals
- The retreat price is $130 if applications postmarked before July12th 2015. The retreat price is $150 for any applications postmarked after July 12th 2015.
- The deadline to receive any applications will be Aug 2nd 2015.any applications receive after Aug 2nd 2015 will not be accepted .
- Space is limited, so applications will be taken on first come first serve basis.
- Switching eligible applicants names-if needed- will be allowed until Aug 2nd and it’s only allowed for the same gender (e.g. male for male or female for female )After Aug 2nd there will be NO switching of names so that we may adhere to the retreat site policy.
- * The Assigned Responsible Servant will be held accountable for the completeness/clearance of all the Registration Forms. Any missing data or non-readable information will lead to non-acceptance of the applicant.
- * A minimum of one female servant is required for every 1-6 female youth and on male servant for every 1-6 male youth. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE BOYS AND GIRLS HAVE SEPARATE RETREATS THIS YEAR AND MAKE SURE THAT ENOUGH SERVANTS ARE ABLE TO ATTEND WITH THE YOUTH
- * Receiving youth’s applications without the appropriate number and specific name(s) of the servants’ application will lead to refusal of the whole church group.
- Please pray to our Lord Jesus to make this conference a success for the spiritual growth of our Coptic Orthodox youth.
- Please see the following sheets:
- RegistrationForm,Youth2015
- RegistrationForm,Servants2015
Thanks for taking the time to read the enclosed material and passing it on to the Assigned Responsible servant for action.