My beloved brethren and children, the congregation of the Christ-loving Diocese of New York & New England.
Grace and peace to you from God, our Father and from His Son our Savior and redeemer and from the Holy Spirit, our guide and comforter!
It is with great pleasure that I write you concerning the meeting with our beloved metropolitan and bishops from North America in November 2016. We discussed the unification of the English hymns and responses of the Liturgy of St. Basil. By the grace of God, the English Hymns Committee, which is comprised of a representative deacon from each member Bishop, unanimously agreed on
each and every English hymn and response to the Liturgy of St. Basil.
Therefore, in an effort to unite all of our churches in North America, I hereby implement, throughout our entire blessed Diocese of New York and New England, all the English responses to the Liturgy of St. Basil as composed by the English Hymns Committee. For the sake of unity, each church throughout our Diocese is to implement these responses by teaching them to the deacons and congregants and chanting them in every liturgy. Please click on the following link to review the English Hymns https://nynecopts.org/tag/coptic-hymns-in-english
Let us praise our Lord in unity, with all our hearts, minds and understanding. May our Lord continue to bless us and to bless our Diocese.
Bishop David
Bishop of New York and New England